Get Involved with our Refurbishments. We are looking for volunteers
Pipe Skate Ramp 2019
The Half pipe is now 14 years old and is needing a lot of work to keep it
in good working order. We need to replace some of the skatelite surface and replace timber frame and supports. This
will require to removing some of the existing surface for us to be able to replace this. We are looking for volunteers to
help do this. If you are handy with power tools and handtools then please get in touch.
BMX Track
The BMX track has been now in place for the last 15 years. We need to rebuild some
of the ramps which over time and use need to be built back up and some of the track widened and some gravel to be put along
the track. We are looking for volunteers to help do this.
If you would like to get
involved then please contact us. Via contact page or call Adrian Clark on 01349 830517 or Allan Bryce on 01349 830148 for
more information.