EYE is a voluntary group based in Evanton, a village of around 1500 people on the shores of the Cromarty
Firth, just north of Inverness, Highlands of Scotland
EYE was set up in 2000 following a community survey which identified
a need for improved facilities for young people in the village.
First on the list was an indoor youth facility. High up on the list were outdoor facilities including a multisport area,
a BMX track and a Half-Pipe.
In 2003 EYE worked with the Highland Council to install a Multisport Area.
In 2006
EYE ran a Battle of the Bands
In 2007 EYE installed a Playpark for younger children
In 2007 EYE assisted Highland Council to install new equipment for older children
In 2008 EYE involved young people in creating a graffiti
mural on the half-pipe In 2010 Eye improved Multi-sports Area
All these facilities are in Teandallon Park, Evanton